The Travelers Tours

A ministry of light, love and sound to the world.


You can release karma traveling physically if the karma that you have to deal with was karma that was physically accrued in that area. Now, knowing us, we probably… we got it all over. Can you release things without going there? Yes. Are some things better released going there? It's easier for me to ride a horse when I get on one than is for me to sit home to think about it.

About the Travelers Tours

In 1984, John-Roger set upon a series of tours throughout the world in the company of like-minded travelers, members of the MSIA community. 

The original PAT IV series grew to include multiple trips to Israel and Egypt, add-on trips to nearby destinations in Africa, Europe and the Middle East and then later to encompass tours throughout the world - to South America, Asia, North America and Australia. After J-R's passing in 2014, John Morton undertook additional adventures with our fellow ministers and initiates to bring our light and love to distant lands and people.  We've also included what we could find about some group travel prior to 1984.

This website is not a complete historical record of all the places JR and John Morton have visited, but is intended to document, as much as possible, what we remember of these times.

A lot of you are going to be traveling great distances, taking the Light and the love to the world. Others of us who sit very quietly at home - we also will serve, and we'll keep the Light and the love going to that one who is taking it out and sending it, so that there will always be this spiritual mantle with them that will support them on a lot of levels.

__ John-Roger

In our Traveler's Words:

About the Travelers

For over 50 years, John-Roger devoted his life to being a Wayshower for others to find Spirit within themselves and demonstrate how to live life in greater loving, happiness, and peace. J-R’s humor, joy, and unconditional loving embraced and touched people around the planet. His good works continue on, guiding those studying the path of Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of oneself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality.

John-Roger traveled the world guiding people to find the Spirit within themselves: teaching how to live a healthy, loving, peaceful and rewarding life.

John Morton inspires and educates people around the world on the teachings of the spiritual heart and recognizing the blessings in all situations. He serves as Spiritual Director of MSIA, anchors the Mystical Traveler Consciousness and guides those on the path of Soul Transcendence. John is an accomplished author, masterful facilitator, and loving friend to all.

A prayer

We ask that that which will be for the greater good on the planet and for the highest good of all of us here be activated and that we stand as commutators to bring this energy more than ever into this area.

The Traveler's Journeys

a Moment of Peace

“I've been all around the planet, with the exception of the north and south poles, because the movement of spiritual inner awareness is everywhere. It's all over.”


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